Friday, November 18, 2011

So I'm Waiting...

Waiting for Zane-bro to arrive from work so we can brave the rain together and eat dinner. I am starving. Hope my Filipino-ness doesn't kick in where this little Japanese dog figurine (which coincidentally looks eerily similar to Finnegan and also wearing a sweater) will start looking delicious to me as an appetizer for the main course...IRL Finnegan! Hmm...well...This doesn't make sense and I am rambling...Need food!

Choco-cat & Popcorn Drinks?

Japan Town : October 2011

Ice cream crepes, pichura, Hello Kitty, Choco-cat, drinks, and a movie with Sister.

Treasure Island Ahoy!

While my sister was up in the city visiting, we attending the Treasure Island Music Festival. Sister had never been before, so it was fun watching her go crazy over seeing some of the bands live that she had never seen before. Some of the high lights of the festival were: Garlic fries topped with crab, deep fried spicy macaroni & cheese, music, people/bro-watching, being photographed by Refinery 29 (SF), and beautiful weather in the middle of the Bay.


My sister came to visit me back in October and we had a grand old time messing around in Japan Town using the cute photo booths that they have available. I'm trying to decide which photo I should have made into a mug for our mom to use so that she can always be reminded of how retardedly silly her daughters are.

Falling into Fall

I haven't been blogging that much lately and I do regret not being able to keep up with my posts. Below are some photos of what has been keeping me so busy for the past couple of months:

1. Taking care of a pig dog.
2. Endlessly exploring the city and its hidden treasures.
3. Concerts/Music Festivals
4.BBQing with friends and family
5. Grumpy pig dog attitude