Still going through the ever-painful process of growing out my bangs. They don't seem to be growing out at all to me since they are barely pass my eye level right now. I probably need to work on my patience. This transition is more difficult because as far as I've remembered, I have always had bangs and were able to hide behind them. Bangs bring to mind memories of my mom. It used to be a ritual where my mom would sit in front of me and trim my bangs every other week or so. I was her little Asian doll. However, if I happened to wiggle around too much, my bangs would end up a bit crooked and my mom would laugh.
One evening when I was younger, I begged my mom to trim my bangs for me since I couldn't see anymore and I wanted to look my best for school pictures the next day. My mom was busy cleaning up after dinner and said that she would get to it later, but me being the impatient little girl decided to take the matters / scissors into my own hands. I trimmed away and noticed that one side was shorter than the other, so I tried to compensate for that and ended up trimming the opposite even shorter! I kept trying to even-out my bangs out and the next thing I knew, my bangs were barely even left. Of course, my mom happened to walk in at this very moment and said ,"Good! Now you go to school like that!" I begged and pleaded for her to fix them, but alas there was not much to do about it. I had to take my school photos with my crooked sad bangs that made me look similar to a poodle that had stuck its paw in an electrical socket, teased its fur, and then sprayed extra-hold hairspray on it. These bangs were so short that it was hardly considered a fringe to cover my forehead. (As seen here which I will probably take down the link to because my hair makes my head look alien huge) In the future, whenever I tried to disobey her, she would just have to show me my school picture to shut me up. NEVER FORGET.

Contrary to belief, I am not holding up peace signs. These two fingers are actually scissors. AH! Thanks Mom!
Outfit Details:
Stripped Shirt // Vintage
Green Corduroy Pinafore // Vintage
NARS lipstick // Shanghai Express
I leave you all with Nancy crooning about a different type of Bang. Enjoy!
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