Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Vacation Dreamin'

I made a couple of collages for some pieces that are currently on my wishlist--outfits that I would wear for "springtime" here in San Francisco. Unfortunately, not pictured would be tights, sweaters, and a coat because let's face it. It's always the same lower 60 degree temperature year-round--which is the reason why I love living in the Bay Area. It's the perfect environment for becoming an expert at layering. 

I've been experiencing a bit of a wanderlust lately. I've seen pictures of my friends traveling to various places around the world. I haven't been on a proper vacation in such a long time that I think I may have forgotten how to have fun outside of work and school. I'm hoping to plan a trip this summer to get away from the City-life for a bit. Hopefully it comes to fruition! 

Making these collages showed me that I am loving anything with a pale pink color. I never used to like the color pink before because most "pink" items were the gaudy hot pink shade reminiscent of Barbie's plastic shoes, but when paired with darker accessories (to ground the outfit) or objects in the similar pastel neutral shades--it really works! Now I want fill my closet with more items in this dreamy shade. To see my previous Polyvore collages, click to view this post and to view additional information on any of the items I used, click through to my Polyvore.
Pink / Plants

Spring Fling

Pink Lemonade

Lastly, I would also recommend listening to Tennis because they are the perfect blend of dreamy vibes for any relaxing vacation.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Song Struck

Crystal Stilts "Shake The Shackles" from Slumberland Records on Vimeo.

I am so excited for Winter and all the upcoming Holiday parties/get-togethers. I guess it's just a chance for me to wear sequins and other ridiculous sparkly accessories (TIGHTS! BOWS! EEP!) that people would normally look at me funny for. Oh well. Here are some current songs that have been stuck in my head lately that I would play for any Holiday party. Cheers!

Veronica Falls -- Teenage
La Sera -- I Can't Keep You in My Mind

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Summer & Fall

Here are some videos that have caught my eye recently. One is a song that makes me want to chill by the pool drinking some fruity drink and the other makes me want to cut my bangs and chop off my mermaid hair for the perfect 60's hair-do.


Bishop Morocco - Last Year's Disco Guitars from Hand Drawn Dracula on Vimeo.

Wren F/W 12 "Beware of Young Girls" from Maximilla Lukacs on Vimeo.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Gold Sneakers

Apologies for the myspace feel of these outfit pictures but they were just a quick snap of my outfit today for my work's Holiday Party.  

Outfit Details: 
Black lace peter pan collar chiffon dress (Forever 21)
Cropped Maroon and black sweater (Thrifted)
Black Boots (Thrifted)
Below is a song from a local band (Wax Idols) that I currently have stuck in my head.

WAX IDOLS - GOLD SNEAKERS from Hayden Shiebler on Vimeo.

I can't wait for the weekend to start! Cheers and hope you all have a lovely weekend ahead.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Electric Chair

The B-Side on Bleached's "Searching Through the Past" 7 inch:

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tous Les Garcons

From a scopitone collection: "Ye - Ye Girls" , better picture quality than some earlier posts. beautiful, exhilarating the way that music and motion compliment each other in this one - as if Hardy all by herself weren't sufficient...enjoy.