Showing posts with label park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label park. Show all posts

Monday, May 4, 2015

Pug Sunday!

They're squat, fat, and prone to a myriad of health issues. They resemble miniature Ewoks and can be heard blocks away by their heavy snorting and grunting. Of course the people of San Francisco want to dedicate one day each month to this creature, the pug. Pug owners, enthusiasts, and friends of the pug gather every first Sunday of the month at Alta Plaza Park in Pacific Heights to play, socialize, and butt sniff. As many as 75 pugs are known to take over the park. All breeds are welcome to the gathering as long as they're pug friendly. Some people (pugophiles?) even like to lay down a blanket, have a picnic, and simply enjoy the pugs in the sun. 

On this day, Z and I set up a blanket and let Finnegan run loose. He hopped over to every pug and picnicking owner in order to try and ham it up for a few pats on the head. At times, it was a bit difficult to capture Finnegan's photo because he kept darting back and forth trying to get pugs to chase him. We saw so many pugs of all shapes and sizes. We even saw Winston and his owner Susan of Modcloth! This is probably my favorite day of the month because I get to "ooh" and "ahh" over the myriads of pugs and not feel out of place. Hope that you can come and check out Pug Sunday next time you're in the area. Maybe you'll see the chunky black pug wearing a stripped harness prancing around, trying to sneak some food out of your picnic basket.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

New Bicycle

Photo via LuLu Letty's Flickr

Z recently got me a Vintage (New to me) bicycle that I had been lusting over for so long.  It is a hunter green 1976 Raleigh Sports model. It is similar to the bike (even my woven basket) pictured above except my handle bars and brooks saddle seat are black. I will take a proper picture of my bike soon when I get the chance. The Owners kept the bike in their garage for years gathering dust and it was never used. There was virtually no rust and the original paint job and parts signature to the bike were intact. I could not have asked for a better birthday present so thank you so much, Z! I now have too many bicycles that we are able to store in our tiny San Francisco apartment, so I will be selling my other bike pictured down below. It is a 3 speed Vintage Foremost Woman’s English Bike that is nice and sturdy. Here are some pictures from last summer when Z and I went out for some bike riding to the park near-by. 
