Showing posts with label pug. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pug. Show all posts

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Beached Whale Pug

After hiking through McNee Ranch State Park, we headed down to the Montara State beach located across the way on PCH. Whenever Finnegan first steps in sand, he freaks out a little bit, squats down (like the downward dog yoga position), and his tail spins around like a helicopter. When in this "frisky puppy  mode", he runs around and kicks up sand everywhere. This in turn makes him run around even more, trying to play with the sand--something that we don't have the heart to tell him will never reciprocate his playful advances. This is exactly what happened once we made our way down the steps to one of the most beautiful beaches with soft white sand. After inhaling more sand than he could handle, Finnegan finally plopped himself down behind me (since I could provide him adequate shade from the sun--a human umbrella if you will) and took a quick nap sprawled out on his side. Finnegan's body form actually looked similar to a beached whale. His snoring did pique the interest of children passing by, trying to get their kites to soar in the air.  Z decided to relax as well and we had a quick break from the hike before driving back into the city to pick up some much needed coffee. Can't wait until this weekend. It is the monthly "Pug Sunday" at Alta Plaza Park in the city and Finnegan can roam around grass hills with his fellow pugs. I'm looking forward to being surrounded by tons of pugs to fully confirm the fact that I am a crazy pug lady. 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Pugs Bunny Wishing You a Hoppy Be-lated Easter!

 I finally decided to succumb to my crazy-pug lady ways and start an Instagram featuring my one and only spoiled pug--Finnegan McDuff. Make sure to follow him and his ridiculous adventures on Instagram!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Falling For Cataract Falls

After reading the Bold Italic's article about the best hikes in the area with waterfalls, Z and I decided to check out Cataract Falls since it was dog friendly and no mountain bikes were allowed on the trails. It's difficult to keep your pig dog out of the way when there's bikers zooming back and forth on the path. Not fun! Despite the fact that we went on Valentine's Day and it was super cheesy (Not our fault Valentine's Day fell on a Saturday this year), the trail was one of the best hikes we have done in the past year. We drove by Fairfax and Bolinas, which are other areas I would like to check out another time since their small town charm appeals to me--having grown up in a ridiculous small town where-everybody-knows-your-name area as well.

The trail begins lush and green, taking you ever higher alongside a series of swiftly flowing, rushing waterfalls. Stairs, both wooden and stone, overladen with moss and cracked with heavy use intersperse with a well-trodden dirt path. The heady scent of fresh water and sharp, piercing, satisfying wilderness fills the air as the warm sunlight cascades around you.

Once you leave the Cataract trail and step onto the High Marsh Trail, the noise of other hikers quickly fade away and you find yourself surrounded by a forest silence, broken only by the sound of your own breath. The tall, wooded glen you are in will break into an open hill, sloped with wild grass and shrouded by a rolling fog. It is beautiful, mysterious, and lonely--as the path before you meanders further into the hills you cannot help but be amazed.

The High Marsh Trail will eventually take you onto the forested Kent Trail, wavering between open, hilltop trails and strange, wooded paths. You'll find blood-red, mahogany-like, smooth branches that loom and watch above you. As you wander North, Kent Trail will break west and emerge on the shores of an immense, blue-green lake. Alpine lake lies before you, waters unbroken and far shores dotted with trees, beckoning. It is quiet here, and beautiful, and you find that for a time you need not be anything more than a witness.

After the 3 mile hike or so to the picnic grounds, Finnegan was getting pretty tired--being the Prince that he is. Z opted to carry him in his backpack and Finnegan seemed to enjoy the view and ability to catch his breath. Some hikers spotted him in the backpack and Finnegan made sure to ham it up with his cuteness for a couple of "Aww's" and pats on the head. I highly recommend visiting Cataract Falls. Make sure to take some time to travel out here, bring food for a picnic, and enjoy all that the Bay area has to offer!