Monday, April 13, 2015

The Green Room

I've had success so far (still crossing my fingers) at keeping the plants alive in our low light apartment alive this year. I've had a few casualties, but have learned from those mistake in the hopes of keeping our apartment green! When my cousin moved, I adopted a couple of their plants that they were not able to take with them. Initially, I was worried that the plants would perish in our apartment because they would be coming from a well-lit, warm environment--everything our apartment does not have.  Much to my surprise (actually, I hope that my plant nurturing skills might have improved), the plants have been thriving with a bunch of "budding" new growth. I think I may have finally figured out a watering schedule that works with the plants and their new environment! I've been wants to de-clutter / re-decorate everything and just have plants as decor with a minimal backdrop setting with basic functional furniture. This is still a work in progress! I have other plants scattered through-out the apartment, but pictured are some of the ones in our bedroom. The plants make be feel like we're sleeping in a Green Room nursery, which I guess might be weird for some but works for me!

I have also been gathering new decor for the bedroom that is functional, yet still a bit stylish. Z and I were lucky to find this beautiful antique brass bed frame 4 years ago, and it has held up well thus far. Wanting to keep this brass motif in the bedroom, I found some interesting angular-shaped  brass jewelry display cases from Urban Outfitters and these white lamps from IKEA. I really hope to save enough money to purchase new matching (grown up-style and not hand me downs from your family) night stands for Z and I--similar to these ones here. I'll see if I can thrift a similar looking set when I have a break from work. After I took these photos, Z installed a lamp above the bed in this style to replace his bed-side lamp, which looks pretty fabulous as well.  Other than that, Z and I did not do much this weekend. We had dinner at our favorite pupuseria on 18th street and then walked around the Mission district--amazed at how much has changed in the tiny time that we've lived here. There are more people moving into the neighborhood, but we don't want it to loose the charm that we fell in love with upon first moving here. The next day was spent doing laundry and cleaning up the apartment for the week. It's ridiculous how much fur comes from a little pug. If I did not constantly sweep up or vacuum the fur, we could be living in a huge black fur ball! Hope you all had a nice, relaxing weekend! Let's get this week started off right!

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