Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Mother's Daughter

One of the local vintage shops in the Bay area that continually showcases unique, hand-picked, and quality vintage clothing is Mother's Daughter. The owner, Hayden Shiebler, (she also has great passion for film photography and has just begun experimenting with video work) started this online shop to offer well constructed vintage. Vintage is usually something considered "old", but to Hayden selling vintage and styling her pieces enables her to give it new meaning through her own ideas and aesthetics. The look-books are even more striking to me because they are shot around the Bay area and it is interesting to see familiar landscapes through a different perspective. Below are some photos taken from Mother's Daughter different look-books. The photography is absolutely beautiful. Make sure to check out Mother's Daughter shop or facebook page for the latest updates.

All photos taken from Mother's Daughter

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